
Our publications on digital and esthetic dentistry

At Dr. Horvath Dental Practice, we combine daily practice experience with a deep commitment to science and innovation. Over the years, we have contributed to numerous publications on digital and esthetic dentistry - be it through scientific articles or impressive treatment cases that we have documented. Our aim is to share our knowledge and experience with colleagues and thus contribute to the further development of modern dentistry.

On this page we provide you with our publications for free download. Immerse yourself in the world of high-tech dentistry and esthetic corrections, be inspired and benefit from our insights into research and practice.

Digital innovation in dentistry

Science meets practice


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Ein Patient war mit seinen vorhandenen Restaurationen aufgrund von ästhetischen Mängeln und Problemen unzufrieden. Die klinische Untersuchung ergab Probleme mit der Zahnstellung, eine starke Abnutzung und instabile Restaurationen.

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