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Name and address

Dr. Horvath ⎸ Dentistry and Orthodontics

Dr. med. dent. Nicole Horvath
Dr. med. dent. Sebastian Horvath
Dr. med. dent. Domonkos Horvath

Bahnhofstrasse 24
79798 Jestetten, Germany
Phone: +49 7745 7211
E-mail: kontakt@drhorvath.de
Internet: www.drhorvath.de

Legal professional title

Dentist (awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany).

Competent supervisory authority

State Dental Association of Baden-Württemberg
Herdweg 59
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49 711 22845-0
Fax: +49 711 22845-44
E-mail: info@lzk-bw.de
Internet: www.lzk-bw.de

Responsible billing office

Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg
Bezirksdirektion Freiburg
Merzhauser Str. 114 – 116
79100 Freiburg, Deutschland
Phone: +49 761 4506-0
Fax: +49 761 4506-400
E-Mail: bd-freiburg@kzvbw.de
Internet: www.kzvbw.de

Licensing Authority

Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart
Ruppmannstr. 21
70565 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 711 904-0
Telefax: +49 711 904-11190
Internet: rp.baden-wuerttemberg.de

Professional regulations

  • Professional Code of Conduct for Dentists of the State Dental Association of Baden-Württemberg
  • Health Professions Chamber Act
  • Dentistry Act
  • Scale of fees for dentists (GOZ)

The current versions of the regulations can be downloaded from the Landeszahnärztekammer Baden-Württemberg.

Responsible for content

Dr. med. dent. Nicole Horvath
Dr. med. dent. Sebastian Horvath
Dr. med. dent. Domonkos Horvath

Bahnhofstraße 24
79798 Jestetten, Deutschland
Phrone: +49 7745 7211
Fax: +49 7745 97916
E-Mail: kontakt@drhorvath.de
Internet: www.drhorvath.de

Data Protection Officer

The company data protection officer can be reached at our practice address or at datenschutz@drhorvath.de.

External links

Despite careful control, we assume no liability for the content of external pages. The operators / authors of external pages are solely responsible for their content.

Contact Us

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