Ceramic Implants. (2020). International Magazine of Ceramic Implant Technology, Issue 1.

Patent™ Zirconia Implant System: A Case Report


Growing health concerns of patients have led to an increasing demand of metal-free restorations. The same is true for dental implants. As dental professionals it is our goal to fulfil this demand of our patients in the most predictable way. When it comes to implant treatments the two most crucial aspects regarding a treatment success are the osseointegration of the implant and the prosthetic workflow. The Patent™ implant system features a novel zirconia implant design with an innovative prosthetic connection. In a prospective cohort study by Becker et al. 2017, the Patent™ implant system was evaluated for posterior single tooth applications with good results. The survival rate was 95.8% after two years. A very positive soft tissue response was also reported. This is in line with what was reported by Brüll et al. 2014, in a 3-year retrospective follow-up. The following case report shows the replacement of a lower molar using the Patent™ zirconia implant system.

Sebastian D. Horvath

University of Pennsylvania

UP Department of Preventive &
Restorative Sciences, Doctor of Dental Surgery

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